How good was 2003?

My English vocabulary is very bad. I need to figure out a way to learn and actually remember new words.

Wordle 246 4/6


I work a lot on Sundays.

Most of today’s work was with refactoring documentation. It sounds easy enough but it is way harder. You have to approach the documentation from a user’s perspective and make sure that it is clear and comprehensive.

And this takes a lot of your brain power.

Your brain wanders when you are thinking. I was thinking how we sell ourselves in almost all aspects in our lives. In our relationships, in our work and even in our day to day interactions.

This means that the rules of the free market applies very well to these scenarios as it does on economic markets. And learning to sell yourself in these different scenarios is a skill—an MBA degree you have to get from yourself.

I don’t want to reveal too much about why I had this thought. I might reveal it later this week if things go well. I have already said too much.

I also think there is a high chance that I would cringe at these posts in the future. But that means I’m growing and getting better right?