When I’m alone on a long drive, I almost always listen to podcasts or lectures I don’t have time to listen to on regular days.

This time, it was an hour-and-a-half introduction to Nietzsche's ideas and a reciprocal hour-and-a-half of quiet contemplation.

It was easy to agree with the lecturer’s conclusion that Nietzsche’s ideas reflect more about himself than society. We aren’t free of Nietzsche’s flaws. All humans will have this self-bias, which we unknowingly project onto society.

However, his ideas are pretty interesting when we try to model society. Nietzsche argues that what modern Christian-aligned society identifies as bad is just the opposite of what the strong, the victors, and the Pagans thought was good.

While I disagree with his conclusions, his ideas serve as a useful microscope into the human condition, explaining why we do what we do.